Pokemon Evolutions: Pre-Release Event (10/22)

Attention Pokemon TCG Players: are you coming out to our Evolutions Pre-Release Event this Saturday, October 22nd? Don’t miss out on this great event that’ll get you the much-anticipated Evolutions cards prior to its official release! Also, make sure to pre-register using the link provided below to be eligible EXCLUSIVE DOOR PRIZES!

Doors Open – Noon
Registration/Check-In: 12:00pm – 12:30pm
Entry: $30.00
Email: va.pokemon@gmail.com
Website: http://sites.google.com/site/virginiapokemon
re:Register: https://sites.google.com/site/virginiapokemon/registration/prxy12chan

Come out and get your hands on six packs of the new set and play with our huge Pokemon TCG community!

Image result for pokemon evolutions tcg

Permanent link to this article: http://www.thefantasticstore.com/pokemon-evolutions-pre-release-event-1022-2/